Tea India Genome e-Resources (TIGeR)

Important Links

1.Tea Plant Information Archieve (http://tpia.teaplant.org/)
2. International Camellia Society (https://internationalcamellia.org/)
3. National Tea Research Foundation, Kolkata (http://www.ntrfindia.org/)
4. UPASI tea research Institute, Tamil Nadu (http://www.upasitearesearch.org/)
5. Tocklai Tea Experimental Station (https://www.tocklai.org/)
6. Institute of Himalaya Bioresource Technology (https://www.csir.res.in/)
7. Tea Research Institute SriLanka (https://www.tri.lk/)
8. Tea Research Foundation of Kenya (http://www.kalro.org/Tea_Research_Institute/)
9. Bangadesh Tea research Institute (http://www.btri.gov.bd/)
11. Taiwan Tea research Institute , Taiwan (https://www.tres.gov.tw/en/)
12. Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat, Assam (http://www.aau.ac.in/)
13. Fujian Agri University, China (http://english.fafu.edu.cn/)
14. Tea Research Institute- Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China (http://www.tricaas.com/english/introduction/)
15. Institute of Fruit Tree and Tea Science, NARO, Japan (http://www.naro.affrc.go.jp/english/laboratory/nifts/)
16. NARO Institute of Vegetable and Tea Science (NIVTS), Japan (http://www.naro.affrc.go.jp/english/vegetea/)
17. Horticultural Science Research Institute, Iran (http://www.hsri.ir/en-US/DouranPortal/4818/page/Tea-Research-Centre)
18. Tea Research InstituteĀ of Tanzania (http://trit.or.tz)
19. Tea Research and Extension Station (https://www.tres.gov.tw/en/)
20. National Tea Research Institute , Shinkari, Mansehra, Pakistan (www.parc.gov.pk)
21. Tea Research Foundation of Central Africa (https://www.trfca.net)
22. Genome-wide interologous interactome map (TeaGPIN) of Camellia sinensis (TeaGPIN)