InDels 90 diverse Indian Tea Genotypes vs TV1

1677 1495 1353 1068 1204 973 883 910 875 905 734 699 779 610 605

InDels TV1 vs CSS

363 278 183 241 124 179 172 115 121 129 113 88 97 105 58

Welcome to Tea InDels Database (Tea-InDels)

Pan India 90 diverse tea genotypes were mapped against TV1 genome to identify chromosome level InDels. Here we are reporting the high quality biallelic InDels with length >= 20 bp in these 90 diverse genotypes. A total of 14770 InDels were found throughout the 15 chromosomes. Previously, TV1 genome was mapped against CSS genome to identify chromosome level InDels with length >= 20 bp and a total 2366 InDels were found throughout the 15 chromosomes.

Funded by National Tea Research Foundation (NTRF), Kolkata.

Developed by ICAR-National Institute for Plant Biotechnology (NIPB), Delhi