
Welcome to Tea CircRNA Database(TCDB)

Circular RNAs (circRNAs) are a novel class of noncoding RNAs in eukaryotic genome that control gene regulations.

We have collected publicly available RNAseq data of tea from NCBI to detect full length circRNAs using CIRI2 and CIRI-full tools. This database also includes de-novo predicted circRNAs from 5 different tissues of TV-1 genotype of Indian tea (Camellia assamica).

This database is first and largest collection of the cirRNAs in tea which are exclusively expressed in different tissues of tea and in different stress-related RNA-seq data. There are 59,575 circRNAs detected from publicly available RNAseq data of tea and 3052 from TV-1 genotype of Indian tea.

Cite us: Rawal, HC…Mondal, TK (2019). Generation and characterization of tissue specific and stress specific circularRNAs of tea. Journal, Volume, Pages, doi: abc…xyz.

No of Visitors : 485

Funded by National Tea Research Foundation (NTRF), Kolkata.

Developed by ICAR-National Institute for Plant Biotechnology (NIPB), Delhi