

Tea miRNA database is a collection of miRNAs data from published literature. Apart from the unique IDs assigned by us to each of the entries in the database, the respective IDs (including miRBase IDs) from their publication were kept as it is in the database. Users can search this database based on the miRBase IDs, miRNA mature sequence and validate or compare their own data.

  • To search across the database:
    • Click on Search or on regulations  as per requirement.

  • A search page will open. 
    • Enter any or all of the search options including Genome, type, expression level, type of regulations, miRNA id, mature miRNA sequence length, miRNA mature sequence and allowed mismatch with mature sequence.

  • Click on submit.

  • For further queries go to contact section.

Funded by National Tea Research Foundation (NTRF), Kolkata.

Developed by ICAR-National Institute for Plant Biotechnology (NIPB), Delhi